This is a Ultra efficient Word processor of the Decade, which creates etched documents and brochures. The Introduction of Styles Visual Aids in Word 2011, provides color-coded visual aids, that reinforce the relation between the styles and the in-document content. The full screen view feature of Word-11, hides all the menus and tabs and makes the entire screen as the work space. It enables us to re-order objects and layers simply by dragging and dropping. Word-11 is integrated with Windows Live Skydrive, which enables you to share your files virtually on the net. The co-authoring feature is a magnificent addition to Word-11. It allows different users in different computers to edit and review a document at the same time.

An excellent spreadsheet software, which allows you to create datasheets with great visuals. Sparklines in Excel 2011, allows you to have a glance on large volume of data in no time. Sparklines can also be themed, to make different color sets. Managing and Analysing a group data is very simple with Excel 2011. Pivot Tables feature analyses the entire data and gives a crisp summary. Excel Web Apps allow you to publish all your content with so much ease. In addtion to all these features, special tools appear on the ribbon whenever the need arises. It also offers a special Calender Table to create a To-do list.

Powerpoint 2011 is a platform where you can create visual rich, breath-staking presentations in minutes. The introduction of narration and Presentation broadcast gives a lively experience. Removing background, adding color filters and all can be achieved in a single click. Your presentations can be broad-casted in no time and without any special platform. Presenter view of Powerpoint 2011, helps you to rehearse and also to get visual aids to narrate the presentation without any hardships. Web apps feature and Co-authoring features are similar to Word 2011.

Outlook 2011 is one of the world’s leading email system with multi-facilities. As usual, outlook has its quotidian features, like calender etc. .PST import tools allow you to import mails that can be viewed only in Windows versions. All your mails in various mail websites can be viewed under a single window. Outlook 2011 of Mac is integrable with Windows 7, which is a magnificent feature of it. Like Word, certain special tools appear whenever you need ‘em.